Be Positive!! Blog by F.ROX

Welcome to my blog!!

Thank you for visiting my Blog Page!

Here I would like to share a piece of my life… 

Daily events, my works, my thoughts, memories, etc., etc… with the positive eyes.

Your comments are very welcomed, unless harmful with hate or negative… you know I mean!

So, please feel free to join in and be happy!!

November 24, 2019 (Sun)

New thing going on for the last few days on FB is this “10 year challenge” and I am participating, but even further back for 20 years… that’s more fun!! 

1999 – Tokyo, Japan.  Me and Fred was still living in Japan, and this photo was taken in the office I was working for… Credit-Suiss First-Boston Tokyo Headquarter.  I was in the International Bond Sales team. I don’t really remember how I ended up holding this cute baby wearing such a casual T-shirt… well, this was a serious business and I used to be in silk shirt and suite with high-heal pumps everyday!🤘 Maybe it was a special occasion that we had to be there on weekend…🤔 anyway… what impresses me here is that this baby should now be 20 years old. I remember vaguely it was a girl… she must be a pretty young lady!!❤️

2009 – Studio City, CA.  That was the year we made the 2nd big move… from Tahiti to USA. We moved out of Japan in 2002, to French Polynesia.  We had 7 years of some wildlife surrounded by nature, and decided to come back to civilization. That was the first year in Los Angeles, I became a little round due to the careless diet in the new world!!🍟🍔🍟

2019 – Las Vegas, NV.  To be honest, I never was fond of the life in LA, I always felt it was “not right” there.  In 2013, after 5 years in LA, we decided to make another hop, this time to Las Vegas. When I came up with this idea, immediately I felt it was “right”!  We acted very swiftly… and since then, it’s been working better and better in every direction. This land seems to fit us well… 

Of course we never know what happens in future, even 1 minutes ahead is a mystery.  But that is the FUN part of life, isn’t it???

November 25, 2019 (Mon)


My sister had a birthday this month.  Every year, I arrange a birthday cake delivery, and this time I prepared one extra, as I am soon seeing her in Japan!!   

As she is a professional violinist and performs on a stage, I found this pretty black lacy gown and blinged it⭐️with a lot of rhinestones… not white crystal, but white crystal AB. It gives much better expression against lights.

Hope she loves it!❤️

December 26, 2019 (Thu)

Christmas is over and now it’s only 5 days to the new year 2020!! 

This year went pretty good, I added a new job as an interpreter & guide for Japanese tourism.  I once was doing it in the past so it’s not really a new thing, but always good to have something that refresh the daily life!!

It was also great I could make time to go back to Japan to see my family, as well as to make a short visit to London to meet a friend of mine on FB for 5 years for the first time!  I lived in London between 1983-1984, and fell in love with the town, used to visit there twice a year till 1998… it has been almost 30 years since the last time… Also, this was an amazing coincidence, that Raiding the Rock Vault was doing the 3 nights’ show in town, starting on the last night of my stay there… so, visiting UK was a triple exciting event to me.  It was fantastic, I loved the every second of it!!

I faced some negative events too. Some light, some pretty heavy, unfair and extremely unpleasant.  But it’s OK,  I don’t like whining.  And Ying gets always followed by Yang. It’s natural.  It comes and goes.  You should always expect both to happen, and don’t even care the Karma!!  How you deals with it is the core point.